Thinking Fountain image (17k)Thinking Fountain text (10k)


Design a Pneumatic or air-powered machine

Invent your own air-powered machine. Draw a picture of what your machine might look like. What kind of air source will you use? Balloons, hair dryer, fan, your breath etc ... Find materials around your home or classroom that you can use to build it.
Test your machine as you build.
Slide Show (40k)

There is more than one solution.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Build a machine that
uses water.

Machine Image (10k)

My Challenge:
Build a machine that
makes a ride.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Create a machine that
spins and makes you dizzy.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Create a machine to
launch an airplane.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Create a machine that
shoots in the air.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Make a machine that
serves food.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Create a machine that
rolls and serves food.

Machine Image (10k)

My Challenge:
Make a machine like
a merry-go-round.

Machine Image (10k)

My Challenge:
Create a machine that
moves a ping pong ball.

Machine Image (10k)

Our Challenge:
Build a truck
with a lift.

Machine Image (10k)

My Challenge:
Make a machine that
spins and makes a sound.

Add your machine (15k)

small hand logo (9k)Air-powered Machines is a project developed by Karen Thimmesch for her 4th grade students. See her Students as Designers cluster for more project ideas.

That makes me think . . . (11k)
What other sources of air can you think of? Try building a machine that creates wind. What air-powered machines have you seen? Visit a hardware store and look for pneumatic tools.

Yellow dot (9k) Constructions for Children

book cover (17k)

Yellow dot (9k) An Air-powered Game

Yellow dot (9k) Create a wind-blown work of art

Gathered by topic
Mind maps (9k)
Connected together
A to Z button (9k)
Index of ideas

Science Learning Network / ©1996 Science Museum of Minnesota