Students with gliders (15k) Small bookcover (13k)
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 17:25:17 -0500
From: [email protected] (Carol Delancy)
Subject: Spiders on the "Thinking Fountain"

Dear "2us" (Mike and Karen),

Thank you for the "Thinking Fountain".  My K/1 magnet students
and I have really enjoyed this site.

Recently our class along with Ms. Johnson's first grade class
completed a spider science inquiry unit on the net

We were able to incorporate many of the Thinking Fountain's ideas.
(See our site to view a few of the great spider locations that we found).

As a spin-off, my class did a mini unit with "Anansi The Spider".
We made "Spider Gliders". The kids really got a kick out of this.
They also made spider murals, hanging spider dioramas and creative
stories and poems.  Anansi was a great resource for bringing out the
creativity and imagination of the students.
our science page for related sites).

We are now doing a science simulation on Trees.  My class has read
many books on this subject.  "The Great Kapok Tree" has been one of our
favorites.  We built a tree in our classroom as listed.  Here are some
sites that I
found which were useful:
n/info_center/whysave.html  (It has changing pictures).

I also found other sites. These sites were done by primary classes who have
likewise studied trees.  I have a listing if you are interested.  However,
many were not specifically rainforest related.

Again, thank you so much for the Spider Gliders, Bugs, and The Great Kapok
Tree.  I really got some neat ideas from them. (:I)

Carol Ann Delancy
Avocado Elementary School
Homestead, FL
[email protected]